This morning as everyday since using NGV, starting the engine is the most annoying thing.
First of all, you cannot start straightaway without ramp it.
I just read from Internet that I have to press the accelerator half way down, switch on ignition (light come out) then switch it on completely.
I tried it this morning and it works. However, the engine still cut off when idling. The engine jerking as if the timing is set at low. So when reversing, when I’m not pressing the accelerator, it cut off.
Fortunately, once on the main roads, the problem disappear.
Yesterday morning, I try different method. First, I switch to petrol, run it for few minutes, switch to O and let the petrol runs out.
Switch to 2, start engine. I found that when on NGV no jerking or engine cut off during idling.
Honestly, I prefer start up using NGV, after all that the option that I made. May be, there another way to start easily using NGV.
On my way back to work, no problem at all.