Welcome 2008. Thanks 2007.
In 2007, I was introduced to compressed natural gas as a substitute to petrol or gasoline. I'm more attracted to low price of gas rather the green sides that finally convinced me to installed conversion kit on my 10-year-old Wira Aeroback. Despite all the negative and skeptical views from close friends, I determined to go ahead.
Now, after about 6 months into NGV, I'm a fairly satisfied customer. Of course, in all things, you will only know the whole truth when you are in it. After all, its not all roses in using compressed natural gas. There's some regular maintenance that you need to do every 20 000 km or 3 to 4 months.
Besides that you need to bear with waiting in lines, limited number of refilling stations (especially you are out of KL), increase car weight, less car boot space, increase awareness to availability of remaining gas in the tank while driving, limited amount of gas can be refilled at one time and a whole lot more.
(Wait for my 6-month review on using gas)
So, 2007, I'm quite content with it and hello 2008. Hope it will bring more joy to NGV user.
Happy New Year everybody...